The View From Here
Wherever I am, I desire to be fully present, to see Jesus everywhere, and to remember that every breath is grace. I know I’m small, so I’m leaning hard, learning to receive with joy, and sharing the view from here with you.Thanks for stopping by. I hope you feel welcome, because you are.
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welcome, friends!
This blog is a work in progress. Not only because there are always new things to discover and discuss, but because the earlier content was recently exported from its former home of many years, and in the move, only the posts from 2003 to 2010 made it over. Despite the valiant efforts of a team of capable humans, the rest were unwilling to budge. The last ten years of posts can still be accessed HERE, and the plan is to move those stubborn posts one by one to this new site. That should be as fun as it sounds. Meanwhile, feel free to travel back in time and visit (or re-visit) the view from back then. It was a party.

Jeanne Damoff
I’m a wife, mom, and grandmother. A writer, speaker, photographer, and musician. A lover of beauty, words, laughter, art, people, and Jesus. But mostly I’m a small and grateful child of God. I love hearing people’s stories and hope you’ll share a bit of yours.