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Life is a journey. Sometimes the scenery is breathtakingly beautiful, and sometimes the way is so dark, it’s hard to see the next step. Jeanne Damoff has tasted the brokenness and the beauty, and she loves to walk alongside others, pointing to the light that always shines, even in the darkest places. Jeanne is an author, speaker, and photographer. She serves on staff at Northway Church in Dallas and is also actively involved with the following ministries. Each in its own way is making the world a more beautiful place. Please check them out!
Refugee Resources promotes literacy and discipleship among pre-school and school-aged refugee children resettled in Dallas, Texas.
The Lulu Tree operates in Uganda, Sierra Leone, South Sudan, and Liberia, seeking to prevent tomorrow’s orphans by equipping today’s families through the local church.
First Aid Arts brings the healing power of the arts to trauma survivors.
Young Life Capernaum serves teens and young adults with special needs.

Every day holds promise
Every breath is grace
Questions? for more information, contact
If you’re looking for a quiet, peaceful space
You've come to the right place
Please make yourself at home. Look around. Click the links in the toolbar until you find what you’re looking for. You can also find Jeanne on social media: